Mike in Finland

Friday, 25 April 2014

There will be a launch for my new novel, Arthur's Eventful Weekend, in Tampere, Finland on Friday 9 May at 18.30 in the International Meeting Place (Kansainvälinnen Kohtauspaikka) at Suvantokatu 13; just off Rautatienkatu, near the Russian Orthodox Church. The launch is being organised by the Tampere branch of the Finnish-British Society but everyone is welcome. Entry is free.

I will talk a little bit about the writing of the novel, read a few short passages and answer any questions. This part will last about 40 minutes. And then we shall 'wet the baby's head', as the saying is, with some glasses of sparkling wine. I always enjoy these events, especially chatting with everyone with glass in hand.

The new novel, and others of my books, will be available at wonderfully advantageous prices, but there's no obligation to buy.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Arthur's Eventful Weekend

My new novel, Arthur's Eventful Weekend, is now published and available.

It's a first person narrative and I have to say that I enjoyed creating the character of the narrator. He is an odd chap. Surely, each reader will form their own opinion about him. If the historical King Arthur had been born in 1960 (about) would he have been like my Arthur? Maybe, maybe not, but my narrator gets into some situations that parallel events in the Arthurian legends. After a visit to his aging mother in a retirement home, a remark she makes starts him wondering if his father was really his father. So begins a stock-taking review of his life so far. His relationship with his wife is tense, but he scarcely seems aware of it. And then there's the memory that won't give him any peace: the worst thing he ever did.

But I mustn't give the game away.

Here's the cover:

Monday, 7 April 2014

Poetry Reading in Pispala Library

We had a bright, sunny Saturday afternoon for our poetry reading in Pispala library and the beautiful early spring weather seemed to set the tone and atmosphere of the whole event. Donald Adamson and I read Finnish-themed poems from our own collections, mainly in English but with some translated into Finnish. Donald also read from his translations of Lassi Nummi's poetry. We had a lovely audience who were most generous in their appreciation and with whom it was a great pleasure to chat after the reading and enjoy a glass of sparkling wine.

Pispala library is a perfect venue for such an event; it's intimate, cosy and has a charm of its own. And our hosts on the occasion, Anne Rasmussen and Jyri Lehtimäki, provided us with excellent support and made us feel most welcome. A big thank you to both of them. We're already making plans for another event in the autumn.

Here's Donald reading from From Coiled Roots:

And myself reading mainly from Midas Touch, plus some new poems: