Mike in Finland

Sunday, 25 December 2016

All my books

All my publications so far with Ward Wood Publishing. There are two novels: The Finn's Tale and Arthur's Eventful Weekend, and two poetry collections: Midas Touch and Falstaff's Gut. The publisher's website (www.wardwoodpublishing.co.uk) has a brief description of each book and there are some excerpts on the pages in the right-hand bar of this blog.

They're all available in book form and on Kindle, from the publisher's website, Amazon, The Book Depository and other online booksellers.

Monday, 5 December 2016

New work from students at Tampere University

I've just added more new work from students on this autumn's Creative Writing in English course at Tampere University on the public blog at:


New pieces include prose fiction, poetry and a new category: narrative essays, of which one example has been posted this autumn. There may still be one or two more new pieces appearing.