Defying The Devil
Get thee behind
me, Satan!
Ah, on second
perhaps we could
come to some
sort of accommodation.
Let's not be rash
or over-nice.
What exactly are
you offering?
And what's the
Before we begin
the negotiation
I should point
that I'm not so
as to actually
you would answer
my every wish.
Nor do I expect
you to be satisfied with
something so
vague as my eternal soul.
So, if you could
see your way
to gratifying
some of my more
outlandish little
peccadilloes -
those quirks of
taste -
and supplying the
necessary dosh
for a life of
profligacy and waste,
I would be willing
to submit
to becoming a
social pariah;
to be held up as
a bad example,
pointed at,
pilloried, reviled
and abused by
citizens driven to wild
outrage by my
I can't manage
all that on my own,
I need a backer.
So, how do you
What do you say?
Is it a deal?